Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Lego's




Here's a few images from one of my outside photography assignments - scale. It might not look like it, but these were totally a pain to edit. They reflected alotta light, so I had t do some major post-production to get rid of the billions of hotspots in each shot. They're not the best in my opinion, but it was strangely fun to play with Lego's.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Wave


I took this shot about 2 weeks ago at the beach (obviously). I think it's an alright shot, but the salty water really makes the horizon look like garbage. I made about 3 layers and did curves/levels/bunches of different stuff to bring out the background. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Faucet



This is the third of my HDR assignment shots (I'm dumb so I posted them backwards >.<). There's the biggest difference between the original and the HDR shots. Apart from the obvious differences in crops, the HDR shot has much more detail in the brick, much better lighting, and it really brings out the red on the faucet. Enjoy.

The Pumpkin



Here's another HDR shot I took for my assignment. There's not too much difference between the original and the HDR, but the HDR did bring out the "orangeness" of the pumpkin and it did bring out the brick a little more. Enjoy.

The Bark


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been kinda busy. Here's one of my HDR's I just turned in for my most recent assignment. The top one is the HDR shot and the bottom is the midrange exposure shot I used. I also labeled them. If you still can't figure out which is the original and which is the HDR, than you really got some problems. Personally, I'm not crazy about the shot, but I think all the detail in the bark looks alright. I leave it up to your judgment as to whether the HDR really looks good.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Bottles


So, I took this pretty mundane picture and actually turned it into something kinda sexy (in my opinion at least). I really like how the green stands out and how all the coke bottles have an old school "vintageish" look. The black border really helped unify the whole shot. Enjoy it!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Fourth Assignment




Here's my shots for my fourth outside assignment, reflections. They're not exactly good, but I guess there are worse shots out there. The only shot I kinda like is the top shot because of the darker colours and the lines that lead around the shot. Attempt to enjoy.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Rose

HDR Rose


Here's a few shots of the now dead rose that I still have in my room. The first shot is my attempt at making an HDR image, and it's actually not too bad. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Third Assignment & Randoms


Close Encounter




Here's 2 shots from my third outside photography assignment (I did cats, obviously). The third shot is Rain King, but I didn't feel like posting it again. I like the Close Encounters shot, but it's not as good as I'd like because the bird isn't in focus and I had to take the shot with a long shutter speed because it was bad lighting, so it's a little soft. I hand coloured the pinhole picture with a brush in photoshop, and I think it looks pretty darn good. I did 2 political posters, each one advocating a candidate from each political group. I've been working on some older picture of mine and have been experimenting with some new stuff in photoshop. I'll have those up soon. Enjoy.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Second Assignment




Here's the pics from my second outside photography assignment. For this one, I chose empty chairs. The only one that I personally like is the middle one. I really like the colours and lines in black and white. I chose the top pic because if it's angle and the lines it created, and I chose the bottom pic because of it's depth of field.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Number 23 Part II


The Rain King


Well, today is 9/14, and 9 + 14 is 23, so that means that we're all gonna die somehow. Here's a few shots I've taken this month. I did some major edits to the first and second shots to make them stand out more. I took the first shot while I was driving (you probably shouldn't try this), and I think it actually turned out pretty well. The last shot kinda looks like crap on the blog for some reason, but I promise it looks pretty good in full-res, 'cept for some noise in the shadows. I thought I'd post it anyways. Peace.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The First Assignment



Peeking Light

Here's the 3 shots from my first photography assignment. The topic I did was architecture. I'm not overly fond of any of these shots, but compared to the rest of the crap I shot, these are by far the best.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Lake




Here are some shots I took at the lake this weekend. Um...that's about it...enjoy.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Number 23



Kitty Paws

Felix the Cat



Here's some pics that date back to August 5th. I've been kinda lazy about posting them...but here they are. The top two were taken in my attic and I think they're pretty funky. Oh, and I've added one of my playlists for you guys to rock to. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Race







Old School

I went to the Barber Motorsports race today and took about 300-400 shots. They were pretty tough because they're obviously race cars. I decided to screw with them and make them look a little more digital. That plane flew over after the Star Spangled Banner. If you looks closely you can see the pilot! I decided to make it black/white and give it that kind of "WWII" look. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Beach Part II

Welcome Home






Dos Amigos

Here are the rest of the beach pictures. I have a ton more of my brother and our friend skim boarding, but I decided to weed a bit out so that this post did not take the entire page. I took the top picture in the car on the way home. Me and my dad were driving and thought it looked cool. It was pretty tough to get a good shot because the car was moving and a little bumpy, but I think it turned out ok.