What It's Like

Yea, I know the title is stolen from an Everlast song (which is an awesome song by the way), but for some reason it seemed fitting. For some reason, this is one of my favourite shots that I've ever taken. They totally don't know that I took the shot of them, but it was just a casual snapshot as I was walking away from taking some pictures of gooses. I cropped it, did a levels and curves adjustment, and played with it in black and white to get the end result. Enjoy it, I sure do.
I love this picture, Bryan. I like that you chose black and white. It fits into the solemn atmosphere of this photo. Your composition is great too. I like that you got just the bench in, anything below it would have been distracting. I love the contrast of textures between the bench and the blurred out lake too. Overall, fantastic job.
Thanks person who knows me but I don't know! :)
Bryan - good shot
Holy crap dad! You figured out how to leave a comment! I'm so proud of you!!!!
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